a more comprehensive look at Polkadot

It is highly recommended to read Polkadot( basics ) first.

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We introduced about main objects of Polkadot briefly in last article, today we’re gonna look deeper into objects including parathreads and bridges.


Parachains are chains that are attached to the relay chain, it can be a blockchain, a smart contract chain, privacy chain, and so on.

Parachains are maintained by collators, collators collect information which is going to attach to this parachain, and they provide candidate blocks to the relay chain validators. Parachains are not required to have their own native token, neither are they restricted to have one.

Polkadot provides 100 parachain slot, there are three types of objects to be allocated.



Parathreads are parachains that are temporarily participate in Polkadot security without needing to lease a dedicated parachain slot. In fact, parachain is like paying the rent of a slot, parathreads is like paying for the producing of blocks. You can see it as a pay-as-you-go parachain .

Parathread is for those who does not need the whole use of a parachain but needs the participation of the shared security of Polkadot, they bid for the production of blocks ( it is kind of like paying gas fee to make your transactions included in Bitcoin ).